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When did Fashion Week start?

One of history's first signs of a fashion week, or seasonal collection, can be traced back to fashion designer Charles Frederick Worth. The concept of the fashion week began in Paris, when marketers used to hire women to wear couture items in public places, from racetracks to beauty salons.

What is Decentraland's Digital Fashion Week?

Just after fashion month in the physical world, Decentraland will host a four-day digital fashion week replete with virtual shows, stores and events. Here’s what to know now. Front rows and after parties are in, but tickets are out. Your digital outfit matters, but seasons aren’t relevant. Welcome to fashion week in the metaverse.

What is Milano Fashion Week Digital?

Italy’s Camera della Moda team similarly announced a cyber-focused men’s and women’s fashion show format with new July dates titled Milano Fashion Week Digital.

When is Ai Fashion Week in New York?

Sign in A new fashion week is coming to New York – and, as interest in the potential of AI reaches fever pitch, it couldn’t be better timed. The first AI Fashion Week (20-21 April), held at Soho’s Spring Studios, is showcasing collections from emerging AI designers.

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